Bear. The Coffee Roasters

Aquiares - COSTA RICA


Costa Rica - Entre Rios Aquiares Estate [Red Honey Process]

Haribo // Strawberry // Rose


Aquiares Costa Rica: Gummy-Bear Sweet, Rose-Petal Floral, Unforgettable Cup.

Welcome to the Aquiares Estate, the generational coffee home of Don Alfonso.

This red honey process coffee is turning heads at Yellow Bear HQ and thanks to our ongoing great relationship, we are able to offer it at a stunning price for the flavour profile.


It's like a party in your mouth, and everyone's invited. The gummy sweetness of Haribo Gummy Bears, the freshness & acidity of strawberries and the aromatic scent of rose petals make this coffee unforgettable and a real celebration in the cup. 

Singing with the spirit of Costa Rica, it's perfect for those who love their mornings with a side of extraordinary, Aquiares and Yellow Bear are all about bringing you the bright, the fruity, and the downright delicious.

This brew is a game changer.

Brewing Recommendation: For the best experience, we suggest brewing this little pearl as a pour-over to truly highlight its nuanced flavors. Failing that, it's really worth working with it to get dialed in as espresso, and as a flat white it's like a posh & super caffeinated strawberry milkshake!

Please see BearbeansTV on youtube for brew-along of this exact coffee! [brewalongs coming May 2024]


And finally, our 'Obligatory SEO Tags' – because finding this Costa Rican needle in the Online Coffee Roaster haystack should feel like discovering treasure, not doing a painful chore: Costa Rica Speciality Coffee, Red Honey, Natural Process, Coffee Subscription, Coffee by post, Unique Coffee, Local Roaster, Artisan Roaster, SEO training course for coffee... Haribo Coffee, Strawberry and coffee, Rose petals, How to brew fruity coffee? and BEAR IS THE BEST.


Happy brewing!

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